By Mayor Wayne Poston
Special to Keep It Local, Florida
So, where’s my computer?
It was my first visit to city hall since being elected Mayor of Bradenton. And, looking around the friendly, well-lit of...
It's easy to become frustrated with faraway governments seated in distant capitols. At a time of partisanship and gridlock, one old adage seems truer than ever: Government closest to the people tends to govern...
UPDATE - We asked, and you answered, here are the results for our 2014 Post-Session poll:
Sunshine State lawmakers wrapped up a jam-packed Legislative Session earlier this month that saw legislators wrestl...
Issue: Overbilling Local Communities
Background: A few years ago, the Florida’s Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) began overbilling local taxpayers for juvenile detention costs. This was a bureaucratic mi...
Last week marked the start of Florida's two-month Legislative Session.
Whether that fills you with excitement or dread (or boredom), a number of big issues face your state lawmakers this year. Fear not. Ke...
By Keep It Local, Florida
Crack open a laptop, fire up your smartphone or flip on the TV—wherever you get your news, it won’t be hard to find polls expressing Americans’ deep dissatisfaction with Washington....
Rate hikes threaten Florida communities, economy
By Bryan Desloge
For hundreds of thousands of Floridians, insurance rates are about to skyrocket.
The Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act contains...
Tampa Bay Times
December 12, 2013
Congress appears willing to head home for the holidays without doing a thing to correct the mess it created when it made sweeping changes to the National Flood Insurance Pr...
What does ‘Local’ mean to you?
To us, it means having roots in a community. ‘Local’ means familiarity, trust and commitment.Local government workers help form the fabric of our communities — they are our neigh...